With the blessing of His Holiness Garegin II, Catholicos of All Armenians and under the leadership of His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Armenian Church World Youth Union (ACYOWorld) continues to implement its pan-diocesan, diocesan and regional programs.

The main events of ACYOWorld regional and pan-diocesan activities for 2024-2025 were decided during ACYOWorld VI online meeting of Chairpersons that took place on 08 September 2023.

A number of regional forums are planned in 2024. Firstly, 3 diocesan forums will be held in the border provinces of Armenia, which will be followed by the visit of ACYOWorld Spiritual Rector to 3 dioceses of North America, during which the relations between ACYOWorld office and the mentioned dioceses of North America will be strengthened, programs will be implemented. Regional forums will be held in Europe, South America, as well as in the regions of Russia and the CIS, the Middle East and Africa.

At the end of 2024, it is planned to convene ACYOWorld Meeting of Chairpersons in the Mother Fatherland, with the participation of clergymen and lay persons in charge of youth affairs of the dioceses of Armenia and the Diaspora. The programs of the Central Office for 2024 are the preparation for the 25th anniversary of the establishment of ACYOWorld, which will be in 2025. The largest initiative of the 25th anniversary events will be the organization of the pilgrimage under the title "The Christian family - the anchor of the Armenian identity" that will take place from 02 July to 07 July. A large number of young people/youth from the Diaspora will participate in the pilgrimage, who will unite with the youth from the dioceses of Armenia under the auspices Saint Etchmiadzin.

The result expected from the courses and programs implemented within the framework of the regional forums and the Pan-Armenian large pilgrimage is motivation of the most active members of diocesan youth, the assessment of the needs, peculiarities/characteristics and challenges of modern youth, the increase of spiritual knowledge of youth.


ACYOWorld Central Office