Another year has come to an end: leaving each of us with a chance to reflect on the things we did and did not do over the course of the past year, on our achievements and our mistakes over the course of the past year, on our ups and downs over the course of the past year, in short: on our life and spiritual course.
Each year brings us closer to God and His Second Coming. We must treat the years that are God-given gifts with care and thoughtfulness and this coming year too, so that our share in the heavenly treasury is not reduced and we may have “ life more abundantly” (John 10:10).
Through the reality of Holy Nativity/Christmas, God reconciled with man: by becoming man and being wrapped in swaddling clothes. From now on let those swaddling clothes be the hearts of all of us, where the Christ Child will find rest.
Let us add our gifts to the gifts of the Magi too, with kind thoughts and deeds. Let us love the appearance/theophany of the Lord, because, as Saint Athanasius says: “God became man so that man might become God.” Let us respect those whom we haven’t respected in the passing year, let us forgive those whom we haven’t forgiven in the passing year, let us love those whom we have not loved in the passing year, let us have mercy on those whom we haven’t had mercy on in the passing year. Let us love one another with the whole nation, because God-Love willed it so: “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another” (John 13:34-35).
With a renewed mind, heart, and soul, let us enter the year of the Lord 2025 and with dignity come to meet the Infant and Newborn Savior.
Let us celebrate New Year and the Lord’s Holy Nativity/Christmas with the faith and purity of a child: to worthily convey to one another the Greatest Tidings of all good news:
“Christ is Born and Revealed,
"Blessed is the Revelation of Christ!"
Unto you and Unto Us Great Tidings”.
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas/Holy Nativity
With Love and Blessings:
Archimandrite Tovma Khachatryan
ACYOWorld Spiritual Rector, Director of the Central Office