Good evening to all our lovely ACYO members across the Western Diocese! 2 weeks ago, our fellow Central Council members, Mheir Ohannessian and Andrew Garibian had the opportunity to visit the ACYO chapter of St. Geragos, Las Vegas for a regional meeting!

On Saturday October 14, our Central Council members were invited to participate in the Fall Festival event that was being held at St. Geragos. We had an amazing time playing the custom games that were made/made and built by the ACYO members, eating pizza, and drinking coffee & hot chocolate! We had even won a bunch of prizes from the games! We especially enjoyed getting to spend time with all the members we have met previously, and getting to know all the new ACYO members that have joined the chapter!

On Sunday October 15, our Central Council members attended Badarak, led by Very Rev. Fr. Sasoon Zumrookhdian. After Badarak, we held our regional meeting. We talked about what ACYO is to the new members and how they can utilize the 4 pillars in ACYO by giving ideas of various events. Finally, our CC members made a Google Drive folder with all the necessary tools needed to make the Las Vegas Chapter an even more of an amazing chapter, such as contact sheets, liability forms, membership forms, and statement sheets.