«Ճանաչիր Ինձ, երիտասարդ»-ը աստվածաշնչյան դասընթաց է, որը նախատեսված է երիտասարդների համար որպես յուրատեսակ մեթոդական ձեռնարկ: Դասընթացավարը ՀԵՀԵՄ Տեղեկատվական հարցերով պատասխանատու, հոգևոր-եկեղեցական լրագրող Արաքս Պողոսյանն է:

"Know Me, Young One" is a structured guide designed to help youth thoroughly grasp the content of both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, highlighting their interconnections and offering helpful advice for interpreting scripture. The course is based on the principle of studying the Old and New Covenants in their entirety.

The course is based on the principle of studying the Old and New Covenants in their entirety. Youths are not only participants of the course, but also those who ensure the process. It is completely conducted on the principle of interactive discussion. Participants not only find the answers to the questions themselves, but also pose their own questions.

Information about the project can be found at the following link: https://hehem.am/news/anckacvec-canaci8-inc-eritasard-dasyntacy